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Extension 2 Syllabus


MEX-P1 The Nature of ProofYear 12

  • use the formal language of proof, including the terms statement, implication, converse, negation and contrapositive
    • use the symbols for implication (    )(\implies), equivalence (    \iff) and equality (==), demonstrating a clear understanding of the difference between them
    • use the phrases ‘for all’ (\forall), ‘if and only if’ (iff) and ‘there exists’ (\exists)
    • understand that a statement is equivalent to its contrapositive but that the converse of a true statement may not be true
  • prove simple results involving numbers
  • use proof by contradiction including proving the irrationality for numbers such as 2\sqrt2 and log25\log_25
  • use examples and counter-examples
  • prove results involving inequalities. For example:
    • prove inequalities by using the definition of a>ba>b for real aa and bb
    • prove inequalities by using the property that squares of real numbers are non-negative
    • prove and use the triangle inequality x+yx+y|x|+|y|\geq|x+y| and interpret the inequality geometrically
    • establish and use the relationship between the arithmetic mean and geometric mean for two non-negative numbers
  • prove further results involving inequalities by logical use of previously obtained inequalities

MEX-P2 Further Proof by Mathematical InductionYear 12

  • prove results using mathematical induction where the initial value of nn is greater than 1, and/or nn does not increase strictly by 1, for example prove that n2+2nn^2+2n is a multiple of 8 if nn is an even positive integer
  • understand and use sigma notation to prove results for sums, for example:
  • understand and prove results using mathematical induction, including inequalities and results in algebra, calculus, probability and geometry. For example:
    • prove inequality results, eg 2n>n22n>n^2, for positive integers n>4n>4
    • prove divisibility results, eg 32n+422n3^{2n+4}-2^{2n} is divisible by 5 for any positive integer nn
    • prove results in calculus, eg prove that for any positive integer nn, ddx(xn)=nxn1\frac{d}{dx}\left(x^n\right)=nx^{n-1}
    • prove results related to probability, eg the binomial theorem:
      (x+a)n=r=0nnCrxnrar\displaystyle{(x+a)^n=\sum_{r=0}^n {}^nC_rx^{n-r}a^r}
    • prove geometric results, eg prove that the sum of the exterior angles of an nn-sided plane convex polygon is 360°
  • use mathematical induction to prove first-order recursive formulae


MEX-V1 Further Work with VectorsYear 12

V1.1: Introduction to three-dimensional vectors

  • understand and use a variety of notations and representations for vectors in three dimensions
    • define the standard unit vectors i~\utilde{i}, j~\utilde{j} and k~\utilde{k}
    • express and use a vector in three dimensions in a variety of forms, including component form, ordered triples and column vector notation
  • perform addition and subtraction of three-dimensional vectors and multiplication of three- dimensional vectors by a scalar algebraically and geometrically, and interpret these operations in geometric terms

V1.2: Further operations with three-dimensional vectors

  • define, calculate and use the magnitude of a vector in three dimensions
    • establish that the magnitude of a vector in three dimensions can be found using:
    • convert a non-zero vector u~\utilde{u} into a unit vector u~^\hat{\utilde{u}} by dividing by its length: u~^=u~u~\displaystyle{\hat{\utilde{u}}=\frac{\utilde{u}}{\left|\utilde{u}\right|}}
  • define and use the scalar (dot) product of two vectors in three dimensions
    • define and apply the scalar product u~v~\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v} to vectors expressed in component form, where u~v~=x1x2+y1y2+z1z2\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}=x_1x_2+y_1y_2+z_1z_2, u~=x1i~+y1j~+z1k~\utilde{u}=x_1\utilde{i}+y_1\utilde{j}+z_1\utilde{k} and v~=x2i~+y2j~+z2k~\utilde{v}=x_2\utilde{i}+y_2\utilde{j}+z_2\utilde{k}
    • extend the formula u~v~=u~v~cosθ\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}=\left|\utilde{u}\right|\left|\utilde{v}\right|\cos\theta for three dimensions and use it to solve problems
  • prove geometric results in the plane and construct proofs in three dimensions

V1.3: Vectors and vector equations of lines

  • use Cartesian coordinates in two and three-dimensional space
  • recognise and find the equations of spheres
  • use vector equations of curves in two or three dimensions involving a parameter, and determine a corresponding Cartesian equation in the two-dimensional case, where possible
  • understand and use the vector equation r~=a~+λb~\utilde{r}=\utilde{a}+\lambda\utilde{b} of a straight line through points AA and BB where RR is a point on ABAB and a~=OA\utilde{a}=\overrightarrow{OA}, b~=AB\utilde{b}=\overrightarrow{AB}, λ\lambda is a parameter and r~=OR\utilde{r}=\overrightarrow{OR}
  • make connections in two dimensions between the equation r~=a~+λb~\utilde{r}=\utilde{a}+\lambda\utilde{b} and y=mx+cy=mx+c
  • determine a vector equation of a straight line or straight-line segment, given the position of two points or equivalent information, in two and three dimensions
  • determine when two lines in vector form are parallel
  • determine when intersecting lines are perpendicular in a plane or three dimensions
  • determine when a given point lies on a given line in vector form

Complex Numbers

MEX-N1 Introduction to Complex NumbersYear 12

N1.1: Arithmetic of complex numbers

  • use the complex number system
    • develop an understanding of the classification of numbers and their associated properties, symbols and representations
    • define the number, ii as a root of the equation x2=1x^2=-1
    • use the symbol ii to solve quadratic equations that do not have real roots
  • represent and use complex numbers in Cartesian form
    • use complex numbers in the form z=a+ibz=a+ib, where aa and bb are real numbers and aa is the real part Re(z)\text{Re}(z) and bb is the imaginary part Im(z)\text{Im}(z) of the complex number
    • identify the condition for z1=a+ibz_1=a+ib and z2=c+idz_2=c+id to be equal
    • define and perform complex number addition, subtraction and multiplication
    • define, find and use complex conjugates, and denote the complex conjugate of zz as zˉ\bar{z}
    • divide one complex number by another complex number and give the result in the form a+iba+ib
    • find the reciprocal and two square roots of complex numbers in the form z=a+ibz=a+ib

N1.2: Geometric representation of a complex number

  • represent and use complex numbers in the complex plane
    • use the fact that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the complex number z=a+ibz=a+ib and the ordered pair (a,b)(a,b)
    • plot the point corresponding to z=a+ibz=a+ib
  • represent and use complex numbers in polar or modulus-argument form, z=r(cosθ+isinθ)\displaystyle{z=r(\cos\theta+i\sin\theta)}, where rr is the modulus of zz and θ\theta is the argument of zz
    • define and calculate the modulus of a complex number z=a+ibz=a+ib as z=a2+b2|z|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}
    • define and calculate the argument of a non-zero complex number z=a+ibz=a+ib as arg(z)=θ\displaystyle{\text{arg}(z)=\theta}, where tanθ=ba\tan\theta=\frac{b}{a}
    • define, calculate and use the principal argument Arg(z)\text{Arg}(z) of a non-zero complex number zz as the unique value of the argument in the interval (π,π](-\pi, \pi]
  • prove and use the basic identities involving modulus and argument
    • z1z2=z1z2\left|z_1z_2\right|=\left|z_1\right|\left|z_2\right| and arg(z1z2)=argz1+argz2\text{arg}\left(z_1z_2\right)=\text{arg}\,z_1+\text{arg}\,z_2
    • z1z2=z1z2\left|\frac{z_1}{z_2}\right|=\frac{\left|z_1\right|}{\left|z_2\right|} and arg(z1z2)=argz1argz2,z20\text{arg}\left(\frac{z_1}{z_2}\right)=\text{arg}\,z_1-\text{arg}\,z_2, z_2\neq0
    • zn=zn\left|z^n\right|=\left|z\right|^n and arg(zn)=nargz\text{arg}\left(z^n\right)=n\,\text{arg}\,z
    • z1ˉ+z2ˉ=z1+z2\bar{z_1}+\bar{z_2}=\overline{z_1+z_2}
    • z1ˉz2ˉ=z1z2\bar{z_1}\bar{z_2}=\overline{z_1z_2}
    • zzˉ=z2z\bar{z}=\left|z\right|^2
    • z+zˉ=2Re(z)z+\bar{z}=2\text{Re}(z)
    • zzˉ=2iIm(z)z-\bar{z}=2i\text{Im}(z)

N1.3: Other representations of complex numbers

  • understand Euler’s formula, eix=cosx+isinxe^{ix}=\cos x+i\sin x, for real xx
  • represent and use complex numbers in exponential form, z=reiθz=re^{i\theta}, where rr is the modulus of zz and θ\theta is the argument of zz
  • use Euler’s formula to link polar form and exponential form
  • convert between Cartesian, polar and exponential forms of complex numbers
  • find powers of complex numbers using exponential form
  • use multiplication, division and powers of complex numbers in polar form and interpret these geometrically
  • solve problems involving complex numbers in a variety of forms

MEX-N2 Using Complex NumbersYear 12

N2.1: Solving equations with complex numbers

  • use De Moivre’s theorem with complex numbers in both polar and exponential form
    • prove De Moivre’s theorem for integral powers using proof by induction
    • use De Moivre’s theorem to derive trigonometric identities such as sin3θ=3cos2θsinθsin3θ\displaystyle{\sin3\theta=3\cos^2\theta\sin\theta-\sin^3\theta}
  • determine the solutions of real quadratic equations
  • define and determine complex conjugate solutions of real quadratic equations
  • determine conjugate roots for polynomials with real coefficients
  • solve problems involving real polynomials with conjugate roots
  • solve quadratic equations of the form ax2+bx+c=0ax^2+bx+c=0, where aa, bb, cc are complex numbers

N2.2: Geometrical implications of complex numbers

  • examine and use addition and subtraction of complex numbers as vectors in the complex plane
    • given the points representing z1z_1 and z2z_2, find the position of the points representing z1+z2{z_1+z_2} and z1z2z_1-z_2
    • describe the vector representing z1+z2z_1+z_2 or z1z2z_1-z_2 as corresponding to the relevant diagonal of a parallelogram with vectors representing z1z_1 and z2z_2 as adjacent sides
  • examine and use the geometric interpretation of multiplying complex numbers, including rotation and dilation in the complex plane
  • recognise and use the geometrical relationship between the point representing a complex number z=a+ibz=a+ib, and the points representing zˉ\bar{z}, czcz (where cc is real) and iziz
  • determine and examine the nthn^\text{th} roots of unity and their location on the unit circle
  • determine and examine the nthn^\text{th} roots of complex numbers and their location in the complex plane
  • solve problems using nthn^\text{th} roots of complex numbers
  • identify subsets of the complex plane determined by relations, for example z3i4\left|z-3i\right|\leq4, π4Arg(z)3π4\frac{\pi}{4}\leq\text{Arg}(z)\leq\frac{3\pi}{4}, Re(z)>Im(z)\text{Re}(z)>\text{Im}(z) and z1=2zi\left|z-1\right|=2\left|z-i\right|


MEX-C1 Further IntegrrationYear 12

  • find and evaluate indefinite and definite integrals using the method of integration by substitution, where the substitution may or may not be given
  • integrate rational functions involving a quadratic denominator by completing the square or otherwise
  • decompose rational functions whose denominators have simple linear or quadratic factors, or a combination of both, into partial fractions
  • use partial fractions to integrate functions
  • evaluate integrals using the method of integration by parts
    • develop the method for integration by parts, expressed as uvdx=uvvudx\int uv'\,dx=uv-\int vu'\,dx or udvdxdx=uvvdudxdx\int u\frac{dv}{dx}\,dx=uv-\int v\frac{du}{dx}\,dx, where uu and vv are both functions of xx
  • derive and use recurrence relationships
  • apply these techniques of integration to practical and theoretical situations


MEX-M1 Applications of Calculus to MechanicsYear 12

M1.1: Simple harmonic motion

  • derive equations for displacement, velocity and acceleration in terms of time, given that a motion is simple harmonic and describe the motion modelled by these equations
    • establish that simple harmonic motion is modelled by equations of the form: x=acos(nt+α)+cx=a\cos(nt+\alpha)+c or x=asin(nt+α)+cx=a\sin(nt+\alpha)+c, where xx is displacement from a fixed point, aa is the aimplitued, 2πn\frac{2\pi}{n} is the period, αn\frac{\alpha}{n} is the phase shift and cc is the central point of motion
    • establish that when a particle moves in simple harmonic motion about cc, the central point of motion, then x¨=n2(xc)\ddot{x}=-n^2(x-c)
  • prove that motion is simple harmonic when given an equation of motion for acceleration, velocity or displacement and describe the resulting motion
  • sketch graphs of xx, x˙\dot{x} and x¨\ddot{x} as functions of tt and interpret and describe features of the motion
  • prove that motion is simple harmonic when given graphs of motion for acceleration, velocity or displacement and determine equations for the motion and describe the resulting motion
  • derive v2=g(x)v^2=g(x) and the equations for velocity and displacement in terms of time when given x¨=f(x)\ddot{x}=f(x) and initial conditions, and describe the resulting motion
  • use relevant formulae and graphs to solve problems involving simple harmonic motion

M1.2: Modelling motion without resistance

  • examine force, acceleration, action and reaction under constant and non-constant force
  • examine motion of a body under concurrent forces
  • consider and solve problems involving motion in a straight line with both constant and non-constant acceleration and derive and use the expressions dvdt\frac{dv}{dt}, vdvdxv\frac{dv}{dx} and ddx(12v2)\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{1}{2}v^2\right) for acceleration
  • use Newton’s laws to obtain equations of motion in situations involving motion other than projectile motion or simple harmonic motion
    • use F=mx¨F=m\ddot{x} where FF is the force acting on a mass, mm, with acceleration x¨\ddot{x}
  • describe mathematically the motion of particles in situations other than projectile motion and simple harmonic motion
    • interpret graphs of displacement-time and velocity-time to describe the motion of a particle, including the possible direction of a force which acts on the particle
  • derive and use the equations of motion of a particle travelling in a straight line with both constant and variable acceleration

M1.3: Resisted motion

  • solve problems involving resisted motion of a particle moving along a horizontal line
    • derive, from Newton’s laws of motion, the equation of motion of a particle moving in a single direction under a resistance proportional to a power of the speed
    • derive an expression for velocity as a function of time
    • derive an expression for velocity as a function of displacement
    • derive an expression for displacement as a function of time
    • solve problems involving resisted motion along a horizontal line
  • solve problems involving the motion of a particle moving vertically (upwards or downwards) in a resisting medium and under the influence of gravity
    • derive, from Newton’s laws of motion, the equation of motion of a particle moving vertically in a medium, with a resistance 𝑅 proportional to the first or second power of its speed
    • derive an expression for velocity as a function of time and for velocity as a function of displacement (or vice versa)
    • derive an expression for displacement as a function of time
    • determine the terminal velocity of a falling particle from its equation of motion
    • solve problems by using the expressions derived for acceleration, velocity and displacement including obtaining the maximum height reached by a particle, and the time taken to reach this maximum height and obtaining the time taken for a particle to reach ground level when falling

M1.4: Projectiles and resisted motion

  • solve problems involving projectiles in a variety of contexts
    • use parametric equations of a projectile to determine a corresponding Cartesian equation for the projectile
    • use the Cartesian equation of the trajectory of a projectile, including problems in which the initial speed and/or angle of projection may be unknown
  • solve problems involving projectile motion in a resisting medium and under the influence of gravity which include consideration of the complete motion of a particle projected vertically upwards or at an angle to the horizontal