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Extension 1 Syllabus


ME-F1 Further Work with FunctionsYear 11

F1.1: Graphical relationships

  • examine the relationship between the graph of y=f(x)y=f(x) and the graph of y=1f(x)y=\frac{1}{f(x)} and hence sketch the graphs
  • examine the relationship between the graph of y=f(x)y=f(x) and the graphs of y2=f(x)y^2=f(x) and y=f(x)y=\sqrt{f(x)} and hence sketch the graphs
  • examine the relationship between the graph of y=f(x)y=f(x) and the graphs of y=f(x)y=\left|f(x)\right| and y=f(x)y=f\left(\left|x\right|\right) and hence sketch the graphs
  • examine the relationship between the graphs of y=f(x)y=f(x) and y=g(x)y=g(x) and the graphs of y=f(x)+g(x)y=f(x)+g(x) and y=f(x)g(x)y=f(x)g(x) and hence sketch the graphs
  • apply knowledge of graphical relationships to solve problems in practical and abstract contexts

F1.2: Inequalities

  • solve quadratic inequalities using both algebraic and graphical techniques
  • solve inequalities involving rational expressions, including those with the unknown in the denominator
  • solve absolute value inequalities of the form ax+bk\left|ax+b\right|\geq k, ax+bk\left|ax+b\right|\leq k, ax+b<k\left|ax+b\right|< k and ax+b>k\left|ax+b\right|>k

F1.3: Inverse functions

  • define the inverse relation of a function y=f(x)y=f(x) to be the relation obtained by reversing all the ordered pairs of the function
  • examine and use the reflection property of the graph of a function and the graph of its inverse
    • understand why the graph of the inverse relation is obtained by reflecting the graph of the function in the line y=xy=x
    • using the fact that this reflection exchanges horizontal and vertical lines, recognise that the horizontal line test can be used to determine whether the inverse relation of a function is again a function
  • write the rule or rules for the inverse relation by exchanging xx and yy in the function rules, including any restrictions, and solve for yy, if possible
  • when the inverse relation is a function, use the notation f1(x)f^{-1}(x) and identify the relationships between the domains and ranges of f(x)f(x) and f1(x)f^{-1}(x)
  • when the inverse relation is not a function, restrict the domain to obtain new functions that are one-to-one, and compare the effectiveness of different restrictions
  • solve problems based on the relationship between a function and its inverse function using algebraic or graphical techniques

F1.4: Parametric form of a function or relation

  • understand the concept of parametric representation and examine lines, parabolas and circles expressed in parametric form
    • understand that linear and quadratic functions, and circles can be expressed in either parametric form or Cartesian form
    • convert linear and quadratic functions, and circles from parametric form to Cartesian form and vice versa
    • sketch linear and quadratic functions, and circles expressed in parametric form

ME-F2 PolynomialsYear 11

F2.1: Remainder and factor theorems

  • define a general polynomial in one variable, 𝑥, of degree 𝑛 with real coefficients to be the expression: anxn+an1xn1++a2x2+a1x+a0a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+\dots+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0, where an0a_n\neq0
    • understand and use terminology relating to polynomials including degree, leading term, leading coefficient and constant term
  • use division of polynomials to express P(x)P(x) in the form P(x)=A(x).Q(x)+R(x)P(x)=A(x).Q(x)+R(x) where degR(x)<degA(x)\text{deg}R(x)<\text{deg}A(x) and A(x)A(x) is a linear or quadratic divisor, Q(x)Q(x) the quotient and R(x)R(x) the remainder
    • review the process of division with remainders for integers
    • describe the process of division using the terms: dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder
  • prove and apply the factor theorem and the remainder theorem for polynomials and hence solve simple polynomial equations

F2.2: Sums and products of roots of polynomials

  • solve problems using the relationships between the roots and coefficients of quadratic, cubic and quartic equations
    • consider quadratic, cubic and quartic equations, and derive formulae as appropriate for the sums and products of roots in terms of the coefficients
  • determine the multiplicity of a root of a polynomial equation
    • prove that if a polynomial equation of the form P(x)=0P(x)=0 has a root of multiplicity r>1r>1, then P(x)=0P'(x)=0 has a root of multiplicity r1r-1
  • graph a variety of polynomials and investigate the link between the root of a polynomial equation and the zero on the graph of the related polynomial function
    • examine the sign change of the function and shape of the graph either side of roots of varying multiplicity

Trigonometric Functions

ME-T1 Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsYear 11

  • define and use the inverse trigonometric functions
    • understand and use the notation arcsinx\arcsin x and sin1x\sin^{-1} x for the inverse function of sinx\sin x when π2xπ2-\frac{\pi}{2}\leq x\leq\frac{\pi}{2} (and similarly for cosx\cos x and tanx\tan x) and understand when each notation might be appropriate to avoid confusion with the reciprocal functions
    • use the convention of restricting the domain of sinx\sin x to π2xπ2-\frac{\pi}{2}\leq x\leq\frac{\pi}{2}, so the inverse function exists. The inverse of this restricted sine function is defined by: y=sin1xy=\sin^{-1} x, 1x1-1\leq x\leq1 and π2yπ2-\frac{\pi}{2}\leq y\leq\frac{\pi}{2}
    • use the convention of restricting the domain of cosx\cos x to 0xπ0\leq x\leq\pi, so the inverse function exists. The inverse of this restricted cosine function is defined by: y=cos1xy=\cos^{-1}x, 1x1-1\leq x\leq1 and 0yπ0\leq y\leq\pi
    • use the convention of restricting the domain of tanx\tan x to π2<x<π2-\frac{\pi}{2}<x<\frac{\pi}{2},so the inverse function exists. The inverse of this restricted tangent function is defined by: y=tan1xy=\tan^{-1}x, xx is a real number and π2<y<π2-\frac{\pi}{2}<y<\frac{\pi}{2}
    • classify inverse trigonometric functions as odd, even or neither odd nor even
  • sketch graphs of the inverse trigonometric functions
  • use the relationships sin(sin1x)=x\sin\left(\sin^{-1}x\right)=x and sin1(sinx)=x\sin^{-1}\left(\sin x\right)=x, cos(cos1x)=x\cos\left(\cos^{-1}x\right)=x and cos1(cosx)=x\cos^{-1}\left(\cos x\right)=x, and tan(tan1x)=x\tan\left(\tan^{-1}x\right)=x and tan1(tanx)=x\tan^{-1}\left(\tan x\right)=x where appropriate, and state the values of xx for which these relationships are valid
  • prove and use the properties: sin1(x)=sin1x\sin^{-1}(-x)=-\sin^{-1}x, cos1=πcos1x\cos^{-1}=\pi-\cos^{-1}x, tan1(x)=tan1x\tan^{-1}(-x)=-\tan^{-1}x and cos1x+sin1x=π2cos^{-1}x+\sin^{-1}x=\frac{\pi}{2}
  • solve problems involving inverse trigonometric functions in a variety of abstract and practical situations

ME-T2 Further Trigonometric IdentitiesYear 11

  • derive and use the sum and difference expansions for the trigonometric functions sin(A±B)\sin(A\pm B), cos(A±B)\cos(A\pm B) and tan(A±B)\tan(A\pm B)
    • sin(A±B)=sinAcosB±cosAsinB\sin(A\pm B)=\sin A\cos B\pm\cos A\sin B
    • cos(A±B)=cosAcosBsinAsinB\cos(A\pm B)=\cos A\cos B\mp\sin A\sin B
    • tan(A±B)=tanA±tanB1tanAtanB\tan(A\pm B)=\frac{\tan A\,\pm\,\tan B}{1\,\mp\,\tan A\tan B}
  • derive and use the double angle formulae for sin2A\sin2A, cos2A\cos2A and tan2A\tan2A
    • sin2A=2sinAcosA\sin2A=2\sin A\cos A
    • cos2A=cos2Asin2A\cos2A=\cos^2A-\sin^2A
    • tan2A=2tanA1tan2A\tan2A=\frac{2\tan A}{1-\tan^2A}
  • derive and use expressions for sinA\sin A, cosA\cos A and tanA\tan A in terms of tt where t=tanA2t=\tan\frac{A}{2} (the tt-formulae)
    • sinA=2t1+t2\sin A=\frac{2t}{1+t^2}
    • cosA=1t21+t2\cos A=\frac{1-t^2}{1+t^2}
    • tanA=2t1t2\tan A=\frac{2t}{1-t^2}
  • derive and use the formulae for trigonometric products as sums and differences for cosAcosB\cos A\cos B, sinAsinB\sin A\sin B, sinAcosB\sin A\cos B and cosAsinB\cos A\sin B
    • cosAcosB=12[cos(AB)+cos(A+B)]\cos A\cos B=\frac{1}{2}\left[\cos(A-B)+\cos(A+B)\right]
    • sinAsinB=12[cos(AB)cos(A+B)]\sin A\sin B=\frac{1}{2}\left[\cos(A-B)-\cos(A+B)\right]
    • sinAcosB=12[sin(A+B)+sin(AB)]\sin A\cos B=\frac{1}{2}\left[\sin(A+B)+\sin(A-B)\right]
    • cosAsinB=12[sin(A+B)sin(AB)]\cos A\sin B=\frac{1}{2}\left[\sin(A+B)-\sin(A-B)\right]

ME-T3 Trigonometric EquationsYear 12

  • convert expressions of the form acosx+bsinxa\cos x+b\sin x to Rcos(x±α)R\cos(x\pm\alpha) or Rsin(x±α)R\sin(x\pm\alpha) and apply these to solve equations of the form acosx+bsinx=ca\cos x+b\sin x=c, sketch graphs and solve related problems
  • solve trigonometric equations requiring factorising and/or the application of compound angle, double angle formulae or the tt-formulae
  • prove and apply other trigonometric identities, for example cos3x=4cos3x3cosx\cos3x=4\cos^3x-3\cos x
  • solve trigonometric equations and interpret solutions in context using technology or otherwise


ME-C1 Rates of ChangeYear 11

C1.1: Rates of change with respect to time

  • describe the rate of change of a physical quantity with respect to time as a derivative
    • investigate examples where the rate of change of some aspect of a given object with respect to time can be modelled using derivatives
    • use appropriate language to describe rates of change, for example 'at rest', 'initially', 'change of direction' and 'increasing at an increasing rate'
  • find and interpret the derivative dQdt\dfrac{dQ}{dt}, given a function in the form Q=f(t)Q=f(t), for the amount of a physical quantity present at time tt
  • describe the rate of change with respect to time of the displacement of a particle moving along the xx-axis as a derivative dxdt\frac{dx}{dt} or x˙\dot{x}
  • describe the rate of change with respect to time of the velocity of a particle moving along the xx-axis as a derivative d2xdt2\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} or x¨\ddot{x}

C1.2: Exponential growth and decay

  • construct, analyse and manipulate an exponential model of the form N(t)=AektN(t)=Ae^{kt} to solve a practical growth or decay problem in various contexts (for example population growth, radioactive decay or depreciation)
    • establish the simple growth model, dNdt=kN\frac{dN}{dt}=kN, where NN is the size of the physical quantity, N=N(t)N=N(t) at time tt and kk is the growth constant
    • verify (by substitution) that the function N(t)=AektN(t)=Ae^{kt} satisfies the relationship dNdt=kN\frac{dN}{dt}=kN, with AA being the initial value of NN
    • sketch the curve N(t)=AektN(t)=Ae^{kt} for positive and negative values of kk
    • recognise that this model states that the rate of change of a quantity varies directly with the size of the quantity at any instant
  • establish the modified exponential model, dNdt=k(NP)\frac{dN}{dt}=k(N-P), for dealing with problems such as 'Newton's Law of Cooling' or an ecosystem with a natural 'carrying capacity'
    • verify (by substitution) that a solution to the differential equation dNdt=k(NP)\frac{dN}{dt}=k(N-P) is N(t)=P+AektN(t)=P+Ae^{kt}, for an arbitrary constant AA, and PP a fixed quantity, and that the solution is N=PN=P in the case when A=0A=0
    • sketch the curve N(t)=P+AektN(t)=P+Ae^{kt} for positive and negative values of kk
    • note that whenever k<0k<0, the quantity NN tends to the limit PP as tt\to\infty, irrespective of the initial conditions
    • recognise that this model states that the rate of change of a quantity varies directly with the difference in the size of the quantity and a fixed quantity at any instant
  • solve problems involving situations that can be modelled using the exponential model or the modified exponential model and sketch graphs appropriate to such problems
  • solve problems involving related rates of change as instances of the chain rule
  • develop models of contexts where a rate of change of a function can be expressed as a rate of change of a composition of two functions, and to which the chain rule can be applied

ME-C2 Further Calculus SkillsYear 12

  • find and evaluate indefinite and definite integrals using the method of integration by substitution, using a given substitution
    • change an integrand into an appropriate form using algebra
  • prove and use the identities sin2nx=12(1cos2nx)\sin^2nx=\frac{1}{2}(1-\cos2nx) and cos2nx=12(1+cos2nx)\cos^2nx=\frac{1}{2}(1+\cos2nx) to solve problems
  • solve problems involving sin2nxdx\int\sin^2nx\,dx and cos2nxdx\int\cos^2nxdx
  • find derivatives of inverse functions by using the relationship dydx=1dxdy\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{\frac{dx}{dy}}
  • solve problems involving the derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions
  • integrate expressions of the form 1a2x2\frac{1}{\sqrt{a^2-x^2}} or aa2+x2\frac{a}{a^2+x^2}

ME-C3 Applications of CalculusYear 12

C3.1: Further area and volumes of solids of revolution

  • calculate area of regions between curves determined by functions
  • sketch, with and without the use of technology, the graph of a solid of revolution whose boundary is formed by rotating an arc of a function about the xx-axis or yy-axis
  • calculate the volume of a solid of revolution formed by rotating a region in the plane about the xx-axis or yy-axis, with and without the use of technology
  • determine the volumes of solids of revolution that are formed by rotating the region between two curves about either the xx-axis or yy-axis in both real-life and abstract contexts

C3.2: Differential equations

  • recognise that an equation involving a derivative is called a differential equation
  • recognise that solutions to differential equations are functions and that these solutions may not be unique
  • sketch the graph of a particular solution given a direction field and initial conditions
    • form a direction field (slope field) from simple first-order differential equations
    • recognise the shape of a direction field from several alternatives given the form of a differential equation, and vice versa
    • sketch several possible solution curves on a given direction field
  • solve simple first-order differential equations
    • solve differential equations of the form dydx=f(x)\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)
    • solve differential equations of the form dydx=g(y)\frac{dy}{dx}=g(y)
    • solve differential equations of the form dydx=f(x)g(y)\frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)g(y) using separation of variables
  • recognise the features of a first-order linear differential equation and that exponential growth and decay models are first-order linear differential equations, with known solutions
  • model and solve differential equations including to the logistic equation that will arise in situations where rates are involved, for example in chemistry, biology and economics


ME-A1 Working with CombinatoricsYear 11

A1.1: Permutations and combinations

  • list and count the number of ways an event can occur
  • use the fundamental counting principle (also known as the multiplication principle)
  • use factorial notation to describe and determine the number of ways nn different items can be arranged in a line or a circle
    • solve problems involving cases where some items are not distinct (excluding arrangements in a circle)
  • solve simple problems and prove results using the pigeonhole principle
    • understand that if there are nn pigeonholes and n+1n+1 pigeons to go into them, then at least one pigeonhole must hold 2 or more pigeons
    • generalise to: If nn pigeons are sitting in kk pigeonholes, where n>kn>k, then there is at least one pigeonhole with at least nk\frac{n}{k} pigeons in it
    • prove the pigeonhole principle
  • understand and use permutations to solve problems
    • understand and use the notation nPr{}^nP_r and the formula nPr=n!(nr)!{}^nP_r=\frac{n!}{(n-r)!}
  • solve problems involving permutations and restrictions with or without repeated objects
  • understand and use combinations to solve problems
    • understand and use the notations (nr)\begin{pmatrix}n\\r\end{pmatrix} and nCr{}^nC_r and the formula nCr=n!r!(nr)!{}^nC_r=\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}
  • solve practical problems involving permutations and combinations, including those involving simple probability situations

A1.2: The binomial expansion and Pascal's triangle

  • expand (x+y)n(x+y)^n for small positive integers nn
    • note the pattern formed by the coefficients of xx in the expansion of (1+x)n(1+x)^n and recognise links to Pascal’s triangle
    • recognise the numbers (nr)\begin{pmatrix}n\\r\end{pmatrix} (as denoted nCr{}^nC_r) as binomial coefficients
  • derive and use simple identities associated with Pascal’s triangle
    • establish combinatorial proofs of the Pascal’s triangle relations nC0=1{}^nC_0=1, nCn=1{}^nC_n=1; nCr=n1Cr1+n1Cr{}^nC_r={}^{n-1}C_{r-1}+{}^{n-1}C_r for 1rn11\leq r\leq n-1; and nCr=nCnr{}^nC_r={}^nC_{n-r}


ME-P1 Proof by Mathematical InductionYear 12

  • understand the nature of inductive proof, including the 'initial statement' and the inductive step
  • prove results using mathematical induction
    • prove results for sums, for example 1+4+9++n2=n(n+1)(2n+1)61+4+9+\cdots+n^2=\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6} for any positive integer nn
    • prove divisibility results, for example 32n13^{2n}-1 is divisible by 8 for any positive integer nn
  • identify errors in false 'proofs by induction', such as cases where only one of the required two steps of a proof by induction is true, and understand that this means that the statement has not been proved
  • recognise situations where proof by mathematical induction is not appropriate


ME-V1 Introduction to VectorsYear 12

V1.1: Introduction to vectors

  • define a vector as a quantity having both magnitude and direction, and examine examples of vectors, including displacement and velocity
    • explain the distinction between a position vector and a displacement (relative) vector
  • define and use a variety of notations and representations for vectors in two dimensions
    • use standard notations for vectors, for example: a~\utilde{a}, AB\overrightarrow{AB}, a\textbf{a}
    • represent vectors graphically in two dimensions as directed line segments
    • define unit vectors as vectors of magnitude 1, and the standard two-dimensional perpendicular unit vectors i~\utilde{i} and j~\utilde{j}
    • express and use vectors in two dimensions in a variety of forms, including component form, ordered pairs and column vector notation
  • perform addition and subtraction of vectors and multiplication of a vector by a scalar algebraically and geometrically, and interpret these operations in geometric terms
    • graphically represent a scalar multiple of a vector
    • use the triangle law and the parallelogram law to find the sum and difference of two vectors
    • define and use addition and subtraction of vectors in component form
    • define and use multiplication by a scalar of a vector in component form

V1.2: Further operations with vectors

  • define, calculate and use the magnitude of a vector in two dimensions and use the notation u~\left|\utilde{u}\right| for the magnitude of a vector u~=xi~+yj~\utilde{u}=x\utilde{i}+y\utilde{j}
    • prove that the magnitude of a vector, u~=xi~+yj~\utilde{u}=x\utilde{i}+y\utilde{j}, can be found using: u~=xi~+yj~=x2+y2\left|\utilde{u}\right|=\left|x\utilde{i}+y\utilde{j}\right|=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}
    • identify the magnitude of a displacement vector AB\overrightarrow{AB} as being the distance between the points AA and BB
    • convert a non-zero vector u~\utilde{u} into a unit vector u^~\utilde{\hat{u}} by dividing by its length: u^~=u~u~\utilde{\hat{u}}=\frac{\utilde{u}}{\left|\utilde{u}\right|}
  • define and use the direction of a vector in two dimensions
  • define, calculate and use the scalar (dot) product of two vectors u~=x1i~+y1j~\utilde{u}=x_1\utilde{i}+y_1\utilde{j} and v~=x2i~+y2j~\utilde{v}=x_2\utilde{i}+y_2\utilde{j}
    • apply the scalar product, u~v~\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}, to vectors expressed in component form, where u~v~=x1x2+y1y2\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}=x_1x_2+y_1y_2
    • use the expression for the scalar (dot) product, u~v~=u~v~cosθ\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}=\left|\utilde{u}\right|\left|\utilde{v}\right|\cos\theta where θ\theta is the angle between vectors u~\utilde{u} and v~\utilde{v} to solve problems
    • demonstrate the equivalence, u~v~=u~v~cosθ=x1x2+y1y2\utilde{u}\cdot\utilde{v}=\left|\utilde{u}\right|\left|\utilde{v}\right|\cos\theta=x_1x_2+y_1y_2 and use this relationship to solve problems
    • establish and use the formula v~v~=v~2\utilde{v}\cdot\utilde{v}=\left|\utilde{v}\right|^2
    • calculate the angle between two vectors using the scalar (dot) product of two vectors in two dimensions
  • examine properties of parallel and perpendicular vectors and determine if two vectors are parallel or perpendicular
  • define and use the projection of one vector onto another
  • solve problems involving displacement, force and velocity involving vector concepts in two dimensions
  • prove geometric results and construct proofs involving vectors in two dimensions including to proving that:
    • the diagonals of a parallelogram meet at right angles if and only if it is a rhombus
    • the midpoints of the sides of a quadrilateral join to form a parallelogram
    • the sum of the squares of the lengths of the diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides

V1.3: Projectile motion

  • understand the concept of projectile motion, and model and analyse a projectile’s path assuming that:
    • the projectile is a point
    • the force due to air resistance is negligible
    • the only force acting on the projectile is the constant force due to gravity, assuming that the projectile is moving close to the Earth’s surface
  • model the motion of a projectile as a particle moving with constant acceleration due to gravity and derive the equations of motion of a projectile
    • represent the motion of a projectile using vectors
    • recognise that the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of a projectile can be represented by horizontal and vertical vectors
    • derive the horizontal and vertical equations of motion of a projectile
    • understand and explain the limitations of this projectile model
  • use equations for horizontal and vertical components of velocity and displacement to solve problems on projectiles
  • apply calculus to the equations of motion to solve problems involving projectiles

Statistical Analysis

ME-S1 The Binomial DistributionYear 12

S1.1: Bernoulli and binomial distributions

  • use a Bernoulli random variable as a model for two-outcome situations
    • identify contexts suitable for modelling by Bernoulli random variables
  • use Bernoulli random variables and their associated probabilities to solve practical problems
    • understand and apply the formulae for the mean, E(X)=xˉ=pE(X)=\bar{x}=p, and variance, Var(X)=p(1p)\text{Var}(X)=p(1-p), of the Bernoulli distribution with parameter pp, and XX defined as the number of successes
  • understand the concepts of Bernoulli trials and the concept of a binomial random variable as the number of ‘successes’ in nn independent Bernoulli trials, with the same probability of success pp in each trial
    • calculate the expected frequencies of the various possible outcomes from a series of Bernoulli trials
  • use binomial distributions and their associated probabilities to solve practical problems
    • identify contexts suitable for modelling by binomial random variables
    • identify the binomial parameter pp as the probability of success
    • understand and use the notation XBin(n,p)X\sim\text{Bin}(n,p) to indicate that the random variable XX is distributed binomially with parameters nn and pp
    • apply the formulae for probabilities P(X=r)=nCrpr(1p)nrP(X=r)={}^nC_rp^r(1-p)^{n-r} associated with the binomial distribution with parameters nn and pp and understand the meaning of nCr{}^nC_r as the number of ways in which an outcome with rr successes can occur
    • understand and apply the formulae for the mean, E(X)=xˉ=npE(X)=\bar{x}=np, and the variance, Var(X)=np(1p)\text{Var}(X)=np(1-p), of a binomial distribution with parameters nn and pp

S1.2: Normal approximation for the sample proportion

  • use appropriate graphs to explore the behaviour of the sample proportion on collected or supplied data
    • understand the concept of the sample proportion p^\hat{p} as a random variable whose value varies between samples
  • explore the behaviour of the sample proportion using simulated data
    • examine the approximate normality of the distribution of p^\hat{p} for large samples
  • understand and use the normal approximation to the distribution of the sample proportion and its limitations